A true orthodontic emergency is extremely rare and most minor mishaps can be handled at home. However, if you do experience a serious issue, such as infection or swelling of the face, mouth or gums; trauma or injury to the face, mouth or teeth; or severe discomfort or pain in those areas, visit your general dentist as soon as possible. Once the immediate issue has been dealt with, please let us know so that we’re in the loop and your treatment stays on track. For minor discomforts, read on to learn how to troubleshoot them.
If you need more guidance on dealing with a braces or Invisalign problem, contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help!
604-593-5225 (Scottsdale), 604-585-1304 (Guildford) or 604-427-3001 (Langley)
Send details and photos through our online check-in form for our doctors to review immediately: