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The Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

By December 24, 2015November 9th, 2024Orthodontics
The Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

Having a perfect smile certainly makes you look fantastic, which is always a huge bonus, however, the benefits of straight teeth aren’t just cosmetic. As a Surrey orthodontist, Dr. Sharma sees patients seeking treatment for a variety of reasons and understands how significant a healthy smile is in all aspects of life. So why is it important to have straight teeth? Because it can positively impact our physical health, mental and emotional wellbeing and even have social benefits.

Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

Many of our Surrey orthodontic patients are surprised to hear that having straight teeth can actually help ward off serious health problems. The health benefits of having straight teeth include:

  • Healthier gums: When teeth are in their proper place, the gums fit snugly around each tooth, plus they’re easier clean, which lessens your chances of developing periodontal disease.
  • Improved oral health: Crooked, misaligned teeth are difficult to clean and oral health drastically improves when you have straight teeth. This means less cavities, plaque and tooth loss.
  • Reduced risk of diseases associated with tooth decay: Tooth decay and periodontal disease are both caused by bacteria, which can lead to a whole host of issues. An untreated oral infection can eventually result in pneumonia, stroke or heart disease according to the American Dental Association.
  • Alleviates problems linked with improper bite: A misaligned bite has its own set of issues. Orthodontic treatment can bring the jaws and teeth into proper alignment and prevent problems like speech and chewing difficulties, abnormal wear that erodes tooth enamel, jaw problems and headaches and neck pain.
  • Lowers your chances of experiencing a tooth injury: Protruding teeth are more likely to be broken or injured.

Straight Teeth and Confidence

A stunning smile can boost your mental and emotional wellbeing by giving you tons of confidence. When you’re self conscious because of crooked teeth, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. When you look good, you feel good. This in turn has a positive effect on relationships, school, work and life in general. Plus, studies show that smiling – even if it’s a fake smile – can enhance your mood and lessen stress. Those with straight teeth are more likely to flash their pearly whites.

The Social Benefits of Straight Teeth

Whether we like it or not, first impressions count and our teeth play a large role in how we’re initially perceived by others. Studies have uncovered that dental appearance holds a lot of weight in social interactions and an attractive smile is particularly valued in western cultures. Kelton Global conducted research for Invisalign and determined individuals see those with straight teeth (rightly or wrongly) as more intelligent and successful, happier, healthier and more trustworthy. A study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics revealed that study participants with “ideal” smiles were judged as smarter and were more likely to be hired as compared to those with crooked teeth or “nonideal” smiles.

Whatever your motivation for wanting orthodontic treatment is, the bottom line is that straight teeth come with extensive benefits and can improve your life on multiple levels. If you’re ready to find out what type of orthodontic treatment will meet your needs and get you on the path to a perfect smile, contact Aura Orthodontics today for a free consultation.