There’s that old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It makes me laugh every time I hear it and after completing eleven years of schooling, you would think I would run the other direction when it came to anything to do with school and learning. However, what sets me apart from many professionals in this field is a sincere love for Orthodontics and treating patients – at Aura Orthodontics, my patients will be able to attest to this. In my opinion, Orthodontics is the greatest profession on earth and whenever I can share my knowledge, I enthusiastically give back to the community.
Orthodontics allows me to have a unique relationship with patients at a very important time in their lives. It also allows me to help them do something they have always wanted to do, while simultaneously helping patients achieve better oral health. Just as I have been influenced by mentors to consider the joys of the Orthodontics profession, I dedicate time to being a role model for the next generation of potential Orthodontists. If you haven’t already perused my bio, along with running a practice, I teach orthodontics at the University of British Columbia one day a week to students in higher-level Orthodontic courses. Overall, it is another way to give back. After you go through all the schooling and all your professors guide you to become the best Orthodontist you can be, it’s a good way to help future professionals understand how to deliver orthodontic care.
The decision to teach orthodontics at the university level is based on a desire to prepare students for life beyond dental school. Orthodontics is probably the least covered subject in dental school, so to help students who have a desire to become specialists in the field is a true honour. My goal in teaching was to take students’ knowledge and bring it up a level so that when they go into private practice, they would have the additional skills to help their patients. The rewarding aspect is giving back to the community, keeping in touch with colleagues, keeping abreast of the latest developments in the field, and being associated with the University as an educator. I admit being the youngest faculty member, doesn’t hurt either – in fact, it makes for a unique dynamic with the students.
Students are such a great audience because they are curious and interested. Because there is a real focus on teaching students the art of assessing and correct diagnostics. With this comprehensive knowledge, they can learn to structure an effective treatment plan, which enables them to understand the principles and concepts of the complicated science of orthodontics. I believe there is always something new to learn about orthodontics; whether it is about appliances or treatment, there are always changes that can benefit patients. It brings me an incredible sense of satisfaction when I can implement these changes when treating patients at Aura Orthodontics.
My lifelong goal is to never stop learning. The team at Aura Orthodontics bring unique and special skills to the table and everyone is encouraged to express their ideas to make our practice better. We always have a smile on our face because we truly love what we do. We love the atmosphere we have created for our patients and we want them to enjoy their entire orthodontic experience.
It’s already February, but 2012 will be an incredible year focused on creating beautiful smiles both at Aura Orthodontics and learning/teaching on-campus teaching students. Thank you to all our patients and referring dentists for all of their support. We look forward to adding to the great foundation that you all have helped us build.